Embed #H5P in Moodle
The recent release of the H5P plugin for Moodle (https://h5p.org/dec-2017-release-note) now allows for the embedding of H5P into HTML within an iFrame. Many people in the Moodle community have been asking for the ability to embed H5P content in different parts of Moodle and I am pleased to announce it is now possible! With the […]
Adding mouseover or hover tooltips in Captivate 2017 to buttons and objects
Ever wanted to know how to add simple tooltips to a button (or any other object for that matter!) in Adobe Captivate? Checkout the interactive H5P video below to see just how easy it is.
Pulling Data Back from the LRS: Correlation for Analysis
I recently came across this article by Anthony Altieri that provides some great tools on how to retrieve data from the a LRS. Read the article at Pulling Data Back from the LRS: Correlation for Analysis : Learning Solutions Magazine
Marzipano 360 how to change hotspot properties and styles
Recently I was asked about changing the hotspot properties of a Marzipano 360 project. This article will extend on How to use 360 images with Marzipano and Insta360. Unfortunately, there is no interface to change the styles of the hotspot, so you’ll need to know a little bit about CSS. For a simple free HTML […]
Useful eLearning Tools You Should Know About
Today, learning a new skill or grabbing a certification is possible with a few right clicks on the internet. The only thing required is the knowledge of right tools that makes our job quicker. This article will guide you about useful eLearning tools every eLearner must know about. Read more are 5 Useful eLearning Tools […]
How To Plug Outcomes From Interactive #H5P Activities Into The Moodle Gradebook
H5P has received an open and warm embrace by the Moodleverse. It might be time you too learned how to adopt it into your Course. Read more at How To Plug Outcomes From Interactive H5P Activities Into The Moodle Gradebook | Moodle News
Mobile Learning: Let’s Not Phone It In! – Free eBook
When we consider implementing mobility, organisations tend to be at different levels of comfort and adaptation. This eBook is meant for individuals and organisations along with a spectrum: from those considering mobility for the first time to those who have already implemented such training interventions and are considering improving their effectiveness. The eBook distills Upside Learning’s 13 […]
Get Started with Remote Debugging Android Devices | Web | Google Developers
Whilst building a new app for Android for an eLearning course, there was an issue with the files loading in a custom chrome tab. Usually with chrome I’d use the built in web developer tools, but they are not apparent for an Android device. This article is a great reference to get started with Remote […]
How to Create an eLearning Course on a Tight Budget
Recently I was invited to participate in an online article on the how to create an eLearning course on a budget. Checkout the complete article and my part on Storyboarding your course at https://www.joomlalms.com/learning-management-system/create-elearning-course-budget.html When it comes to eLearning, there are two hot topics that never go out of style in the eLearning circles. The first one […]
New Release: Speak the Words, Audio Recorder and Agamotto | #H5P
Checkout the three brand new content types: Speak the Words, Audio Recorder and Agamotto for H5P Source: New Release: Speak the Words, Audio Recorder and Agamotto | H5P