Sometimes, it’s not the’s the delivery
Over the weekend I attended a BBQ with my family and a few other families. It was a friendly environment, lots of food, drink and laughter. I want to share with you a short conversation I had. The usual topic of ‘what do you do for a living’ came up, and I struck up […]
Adult Learning – How can I change the status quo?
This is an extract from my book, The seven year education itch (available on iTunes, Amazon and Kobo). When I first started facilitating, I was given guidance and helpful tips from other colleagues that had been facilitating for a very long time. A common theme was they were very set in their ways of how […]
I’ll be presenting at Moodle Moot 2016
Just a quick one to let you all know that I’ll be presenting at this years Moodle Moot Conference in Perth, Western Australia from September 27th-29th. The first Moodle Moot I’ve presented at! I’ll be doing my presentation on the plugin we developed for Understanding Student behaviour in Moodle. This is based on Student Analytics plugin. You […]
What Adult Learners really do when they start studying – a first hand observation
I wanted a to share with you an event that I witnessed about 18 months ago and the impact it had on me. My partner decided that she would like to do a Diploma of Business via distance learning. As it turned out, she decided she wanted to complete the Diploma with the Registered Training […]
Create a lightboard on a budget
I came across this post by edtechenthusiast and wanted to share. This is a project that I’ll be following up with! Have a look at:
The Seven Year Education Itch – Adult Learning in Vocational Training – my digital journey so far
Available to download in: PDF iBook ePub Now available on Amazon As I approach seven years in the vocational education industry, I realised I’ve covered a fair bit of ground in the eLearning space. I wanted to share with others the experiences that I’ve had and lessons I’ve learnt. Understand what I’ve discovered about adult learners […]
Engaging Adult Learners – Distance Education
Having worked in vocational education for a number of years now, distance education is becoming more popular by the day. When we look at why distance education has become so popular, it could be any number of reasons. There is the convenience of having everything there for you when you want or need it. Being […]
The Modern Learner
I came across this inforgraph recently and wanted to share as it covers well what today’s learners look like. Meet the Modern Learner – source
Instructional Design mistakes to avoid
Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics
Multi-device challenges
I found this infographic at and wanted to share. As an Educational technologist, it’s stats like this that help us develop better more engaging content.