Adult Learning Challenges with Technology – Digital Fear
When we talk about the challenges we face with Adult Learners, there are several area’s that we can focus on. I’ve summed these up as Digital blefs. This post will look at the issue, Digital Fear. Fear can be defined as: ‘a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.’ There is a genuine fear of some learners […]
Adult Learning Challenges with Technology – Digital Experience
When we talk about the challenges we face with Adult Learners, there are several area’s that we can focus on. I’ve summed these up as Digital blefs. This post will look at the issue, Digital Experience. The word ‘Experience’ can have many different meanings, for adult learners we can say that Experience could be defined as […]
Adult Learning Challenges with Technology – Digital Literacy
When we talk about the challenges we face with Adult Learners, there are several area’s that we can focus on. I’ve summed these up as Digital blefs. This post will look at the issue, Digital Literacy. ‘Digital Literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring […]
Adult Learning Challenges with Technology – Digital Bias
When we talk about the challenges we face with Adult Learners, there are several area’s that we can focus on. I’ve summed these up as Digital blefs. This post will look at the first issue, Digital Bias. When used in the context of eLearning, this can play a massive part in how an adult learner […]
Why Learning Analytics are important for eLearning
I found this great article on why Learning Analytics are so important for eLearning. Check it out at
Formative Assessments tools iTunes U
This collection of resources for assessing student learning includes apps for real-time polling, creative demonstration of understanding, and building digital portfolios. Also included are books on assessment research, theory, and practice as well as a new Apple guide providing examples of how to use these valuable tools.
Adapting the SAMR model for Adult Learners Example
When adapting the SAMR model to Adult learning and the creation of learning tools, you need to be aware of the technological challenges that adult learners may face. Have a look at the Digital bLefs page for some of the challenges you may face. I could say that most VET providers are running in the Enhancement […]