The Case for Decentralised Digital Learning: It’s More Than Just eLearning

The case for decentralised digital learning is clear—learning happens beyond eLearning courses. Explore how AI, xAPI, and social learning are reshaping digital learning.
ChatGPT – build me a course…
With the advent of ChatGPT being everywhere lately, I wanted to see what it could do. I played with the ‘how to make a chocolate cake’ and ‘write me a song about riding a motorcycle’ and the results were pretty awesome, albeit a little corny in the motorcycle song. It made me think about how […]
The eLearning Podcast – a chat about Soufflé out of mud – an xAPI challenge
Talking to Stephen Ladek from LMS Pulse about the article I wrote on Soufflé out of mud – an xAPI challenge on how I overcame the challenge of introducing and using xAPI in a learning environment. What we talk about in the podcast Mudpies! Children love making them, but being given one and expecting to […]
xAPICohort – A Review on developing GeoLocation in xAPI
The Fall 2020 xAPICohort has now come to an end and I wanted to share my experience, what I learnt and how the xAPICohort can help you gain a better understanding of xAPI. I was part of the xAPI Team Downunder. We were the first dedicated team from Australia which meant we could participate in […]
Capture Latitude and Longitude with xAPI (GeoLocation) and save to Learning Record Store [Part 3]
This article is Part in a series of how to use latitude and longitude (geolocation) in xAPI. If you have not yet viewed the introduction and how to setup Google Maps , please head on over to Capture Latitude and Longitude with xAPI (GeoLocation) and save to Learning Record Store Part 1 or Part 2. […]
Capture Latitude and Longitude with xAPI (GeoLocation) and save to Learning Record Store [Part 1]
As I continue to learn more about xAPI I’m discovering how flexible xAPI can be. This article is a three part series based on using Latitude and Longitude coordinates in xAPI. The articles will cover why you would use geolocation and some applications for it’s use. It will also cover what you need to know […]
How to capture xAPI statements from a Video
Recently along with Peter Hawkins of the Australian xAPI User Group, I presented at a Local event for the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) QLD/NT Council on an introduction to xAPI and a real time demo of how xAPI can be used with a Video. The concept was to show, in almost real […]
Using xAPI data to view Assessment results – Use Case
As part of the development and introduction of xAPI into a large organisation, it can always be a challenge to provide the benefits. I’d like to share with you how I used xAPI with Articulate Storyline 360, published as SCORM and being delivered via a Learning Management System (LMS). The Learning Record Store (LRS) is […]
Understanding an xAPI Statement [Interactive Example]
Understanding how the Experience API (xAPI sometimes known as Tin-Can API) is structured is the first hurdle to knowing just how flexible and powerful the xAPI can be. When you look at the structure of an xAPI statement, there are three main sections that will get you started: Actor : Verb : Object The ACTOR […]
Adapting And Iterating Learning In An xAPI World
By using xAPI to gather data from other sources, you’re equipped to provide relevant suggestions. This is where adaptive learning and microlearning come into the picture, but these topics are for another article.