Bridging the Digital Divide for Adult Learners: Observations Over 8 Years

In my book, The Seven Year Education Itch: Adult Learning in Vocational Training, published in 2016, I explore the various hurdles that adult learners face when grappling with technology. The chapter, “How Adults Struggle with Technology,” discusses a concept I developed to summarise the challenges adult learners encounter with technology. These include biases, digital literacy […]

Samsung Power Up Education Summit

I was recently fortunate to be selected to represent Independent Schools Queensland and attend the Samsung Power Up Education Summit in Seoul. The concept behinds the Summit, the first of its kind for Samsung, was to connect with other educational experts in the Oceania region and gain a better understanding of how Samsung integrated systems […]

ChatGPT – build me a course…

With the advent of ChatGPT being everywhere lately, I wanted to see what it could do. I played with the ‘how to make a chocolate cake’ and ‘write me a song about riding a motorcycle’ and the results were pretty awesome, albeit a little corny in the motorcycle song. It made me think about how […]

Recognition and Awards 2022

This year has seen a lot of growth in my learning and achievements and some awards. I have built a team around the globe to deliver training on DCFC Chargers and implemented a Global Certification Program for all Technicians to be part of a program to service and maintain DC Chargers. I also presented at […]

LMS vs LXP – what’s the difference?

This is a question that was starting to play on my mind a little. I’ve not had a lot, in fact, I’ve not had any exposure to an LXP – or Learning Experience Platform. My career has been focused on LMS – Learning Management System. Like everyone else, I dived into my favorite browser…I mean […]

xAPI Best Practices from Learning Solutions

Scrolling through LinkedIn today showed an awesome article written by Jason Haag on Learning Solutions that is well worth a read and needed to be shared. The article looks at 10 best practice methods that should be adopted when developing and sending xAPI statements and in particular, using the Context Extensions to gather richer more […]

All Aboard for Engaging eLearning [PodCast]

Listen now to #LearningUncut Ep 47 with @naomilearning and @MichelleOckers to learn about Queensland Rail’s highly engaging #onboarding and #compliance refresher program All Aboard. Discover the creative process, keeping it relevant, and much more.

Adapting And Iterating Learning In An xAPI World

By using xAPI to gather data from other sources, you’re equipped to provide relevant suggestions. This is where adaptive learning and microlearning come into the picture, but these topics are for another article.

H5P Interactive Book (Alpha)

Launched last year at H5PCon2018 in Melbourne, Australia was the new H5P content type called Interactive Book. It’s still in Alpha mode and can see so many applications where this can be used. Looking forward to when this will launch, in the meantime, below is the alpha example provided by H5P. To find out more, […]

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